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From Remembrance Day to Independence Day


Why are Remembrance Day and Israel Independance Day back to back? Why do Israelis go from the saddest day of the year to what is supposed to be the happiest? In today's video, I'm explaining you all about Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut and the link between the two. מדוע יום הזיכרון ויום העצמאות של ישראל צמודים אח לשני? למה הישראלים עוברים מהיום העצוב בשנה למה שאמור להיות הכי שמח? בסרטון של היום אני מסביר לכם הכל על יום הזכרון ויום העצמאות והקשר בין השניים. By joining this program, you will access exclusive content to study this video in depth and work on all aspects of the Hebrew language following our unique framework. Exclusive content available: - full transcript of the video - downloadable audio for on-the-go listening - list of the keywords of the video with example sentences - flashcards with audio recordings so you can repeat after us - comprehension quiz to test your understanding of the topic - private group discussion to ask us all your questions - writing exercices (and we'll correct you)


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From Remembrance Day to Independence Day

From Remembrance Day to Independence Day

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